By leveraging the power of the crowd, we facilitate quick win collaborations for the city of Amsterdam and partners.

A city’s most valuable asset are the people and the communities where they live. We work with multiple cities and their citizens to design, rapid prototype, test, implement and share innovative solutions for social impact. To speed this up, we help cities connect with their people and create Living Labs to crowdsource solutions in communities.
The problem is that Cities are not equipped to work fast or use agile methodologies, so it’s difficult to move in pace with technology. The CITXL helps cities identify common problems, co-develop solutions, identify technology and social impact to find the sweet spot for quick wins that make a difference in people’s lives.
The way we work with cities and their citizens is fast and effective. We use a framework we co-developed with our partners – THINK, CREATE, SHARE, NURTURE. We have a six step process that makes it simple and fast for cites to become agile and use the Living Lab way of working. Our core values of speed, social inclusion, citizen empowerment, simple and effective solutions, quick wins, social impact and nurturing growth to scale, guide us in a rapidly changing world. If you share these values, work with us and help us unlock the power of your people.
If your city wants to test an innovation in Amsterdam, take the readiness survey and we will find a match for you.

We work with lots of partners in and around the city of Amsterdam who offer locations to experiment with cutting edge technologies.
The interactive map belows provides an overview of many of these locations. Use your scroll wheel to zoom in. Right mouse click to pivot and discover Amsterdam’s Living Labs in 3D!
Amsterdam is a plug & play lab. IoT is the bridge that joins cities and citizens so we can work together to change the world. Sharing IoT innovations helps spread the work and speeds up the process of testing ideas, finding solutions and producing results so we can change the world faster. This is the essence of CITIXL – Joining cities together with IoT LIving Labs, co-creating and sharing innovations and improving people’s lives by accelerating participatory democracy.

LoRaWAN, beacon, sensor and G5 narrow band or NB-IoT networks
Because experimentation is in our DNA – Amsterdam is home to over 20 Living Labs. A long history of working together to manage land and water resources has embedded practical and inclusive problem solving in our culture. Opened to startups in 2015, the Marineterrein provides a massive public space for interactive testing – a home to innovators in the heart of the city and headquarters for CITIXL and key partner Amsterdam Smart City.

opensource portal for data, code & software
Data Lab is the knowledge center and partner for a data driven Amsterdam working with the public to co-develop and publish open source software, open APIs and open data. They provide workspace, meetups, workshops and training to encourage reuse of these valuable public resources and they are reaching out to other cities to share knowledge and further co-develop software as a city service. They are now creating a public IoT data index the first step to publishing IoT generated data on an open platform.

home to workshops, business, machine and tool labs.
Makerversity’s mission is to inspire and support makers and grow communities of makers around the world. After London, The Marineterrein Amsterdam is home to the second Makerversity which now provides co-working space, tools, training, workshops, and inspiration to over 60 innovation pioneers. Home to CITIXL founders IoT Living Lab and Tapp, Makerversity is where Amsterdam Rapid Prototypes smart citizen solutions.
CITIXL Approach

CITIXL Process
Working with

What does your city want to exchange?

For more information about how to join the City Innovation Exchange Lab (CITIXL) and accelerate global impact, please visit our website or contact the program directors, Paul Manwaring and Tom van Arman